Saturday, July 19, 2008

Maternity fun

Bryan and Jaime made a bit of a drive to come and see me, and I'm sure glad they did, because what an attractive and fun couple they are!

But can you believe, guys, that after going to all the trouble of finding the right letters, we forgot to do that shot??!! :o(


  1. I'm not really sure what you mean. By "prints" do you mean where I get them printed (I am actually switching to a new place, but haven't gotten any back yet...) or did you mean editing my proofs?

  2. I really like the picture of the mom to be holding the picture of the ultrasound and the one where she's sitting in the field of flowers.

  3. Chandra,
    I just wanted to thank you for the doing my maternity pictures on Saturday and to tell you what an AMAZING job you did! I cannot wait to see the rest of them, especially since these ones turned out so good!
    Thanks again,
    Jaime and Bryan

  4. LOL Push to eject -- if only it were that easy! :o)
    Great shots!
